17 September 2020

7 uses for masking tape that will blow your mind

Although it’s commonly used to mask areas while painting or to label supplies, masking tape it’s actually extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways around the house.

Masking tape is very practical, that’s for sure, and it allows for many different uses. But while you’re probably thinking at the most common ones, you should know that there are many more that you wouldn’t normally even think of.

On this page, you will find:

7 smart ways to use masking tape

1. Keep your paint cans tidy and clean

During a paint job, it’s easy to spill paint everywhere. You can cover surfaces and objects around you, but no one ever really thinks about the paint cans; when you’re done, they’re usually all dripping in paint, which makes it impossible to carry them around without smearing paint all over the place. In order to avoid that, you can cover the rim of the can with masking tape and then remove it when you’re done painting. That way, you’ll have nice and clean paint cans that you can easily store anywhere.

2. Support as glue dries off

If you’re gluing two pieces together and need to hold them in place while the glue dries off, you can secure them with masking tape; then, when the glue is dry, you can easily remove the tape without leaving any residue.

masking tape uses

3. Measure hole depth while drilling

When you’re drilling a hole in a wall and need to be accurate on the depth you’re drilling, measure the depth on a drill bit and place a piece of masking tape to mark the desired point. Then, drill the surface and stop when you get to the tape.

masking tape uses

4. Protect while cutting

If you have to cut, for example, a laminated board with a saw, you can apply a strip of masking tape and cut through it. The tape will prevent the blade from slipping and the surface from chipping as the saw cuts through.

use of masking tape

5. Wrap up furniture fixings

When moving, you usually have to disassemble furniture, fittings, and fixtures that have all sorts of “little parts”: screws, hooks, handles, brackets. To avoid those little parts from going missing, you can wrap them in masking tape and fix them to their belonging “big part”, to make sure that nothing goes missing when reassembling.

masking tape function

6. Clean tricky corners and objects

Among its DIY functions, masking tape can be used to remove dirt, dust, and grime from insidious corners and objects – for example, the keyboard of your computer. You only have to fold a bit of tape in the shape of the space you want to clean. Then, you gently press it and remove it – masking tape offers easy removal, so it won't leave any trace on the surface.


7. Improve gardening skills

Finally, masking tape uses also concern gardening. You can use it to support limp stalks and give them more rigidity, for example, so that they can climb onto a wall – even onto irregular surfaces – or just grow in the right direction. Using masking tape this way won't damage your plants at all!

masking tape used for DIY gardening

These are just a few ideas, but masking tape can be used for many other purposes and PPM has a wide range of masking tapes, ideal for all of them.

Using PPM’s masking tape

PPM has a very large selection of many different masking tapes, for all professional and utility applications. Here, we are going to take a look at 4 of the most “basic” ones, perfect for these not so conventional uses:

  • 6009 Entry Level Masking Tape: this is the tape that everyone should always keep inside their kitchen drawer because you never know when you’re going to need it. It’s ideal for basic indoor applications at steady temperatures and it has a great quality-price balance.
  • 6010 General Use Masking Tape: this tape is very practical and versatile, also recommended for general indoor use at steady temperatures; it sticks well to multiple and irregular surfaces and is compatible with both solvent and water-based paints.
  • 2010 Painter’s Multi-Purpose Masking Tape: thanks to its versatility, this tape is suitable for both professional and DIY entry level applications; it guarantees good adhesion on multiple surfaces and allows for quick and easy removal, with no residues.
  • 2020 Painter’s Basic Masking Tape: versatile and cost-effective, this professional and DIY masking tape for general indoor painting jobs guarantees great temperature resistance, up to 55°C; it tears easily, sticks reliably, and assures clean and quick removal within 24 hours.


If you want to explore all of PPM’s uses for masking tape, contact us! We will show you our entire selection.

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